Question I want to answer:

Current problem: Suggested separation of InvestorDAO and CommunityDAO creates an incentive where accredited investors buy land and take on risk, and community DAO gets to manage it. How can we unify it? Not a good system for investors

Ideal Implementation

Can InvestorDAO be rewarded with tokens

Can only the investorDAO make money from the land?

Can DAO with Wyoming LLC purchase properties in other states?

Can non-US investors participate in the Investor DAO?

yes, easily

Can CityDAO token ever be used as a currency to pay for things within the DAO?

Could a parcel be subdivided into individual NFTs?

Can we promise investors future CityDAO governance tokens, or is that a bad idea? The investment Wyoming land itself isn't that exciting and might be hard to round up investment for, but if I can promise a gov token it would help

other thoughts

Syndicate's proposed two separate DAOs

• Can we have governance token for CityDAO community

506b - can take money from ppl with pre-existing relationship