I want to raise money from CityDAO members to purchase income producing assets like parking lots and housing. Members will not be paid out, but tokens may increase in value.
Can I issue CityDAO tokens to anyone who is non-US citizens?
Single unified DAO vs investor DAO where we make sure everyone is accredited?
Feasibility of buying parking lots, putting them on AirGarage
Feasibility of first use case: CityDAO ****buys 50 acres. Action 10 acres as 1/2 acre NFTs to people that give exclusive rights for a set time period
Is this public solicitation?
if public solicitation -verify evidence of accreditation
if not solicited - check a box to verify
Can we acquire land out of state?
Can InvestorDAO and CommunityDAO merge?
If we design the token mechanisms to heavily incentivize active participation and penalize passive behavior, could that have an impact on our ability to be treated as a security v. a partnership / coop?
If the tokens are required for access to the property (e.g., to camp there) and there is no explicit expectation of profit / income, might that be considered more of a utility token?